A Victory in HKDSE for HKCT Adult Education Centre Evening Secondary Courses
The results of the Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) examinations were released today (22nd), and a ‘evening secondary top scorer’ who scored 27 marks comes from HKCT Adult Education Centre.
The most outstanding graduate is 25-year-old ‘evening secondary top scorer’ LIU Chun-kit, Kelvin, who scored 27 marks in this year's HKDSE exam. He attained 3 level 5* and 1 level 5 in Chinese, English, Mathematics and Biology. Kelvin dropped out of school many years ago from Form 3, he enrolled in the HKCT Adult Education Centre in 2017 to pursue his dream of studying. During the three years studies, he has gained recognition from his teachers and classmates, which has enabled him to regain the joy of learning. While working in a financial institution, Kelvin took Evening Secondary Course at HKCT Adult Education Centre and sacrificed his leisure time to study at least 4-5 hours a day. Kevin loves to watch National Geographic since he was young and has been interested in biology. Therefore, he has taken biology as an elective subject in his evening studies at HKCT. When he got his DSE results today, he made up his mind to enroll in a bachelor's degree programme related to pharmacy or biomedical engineering that he has dreamed for.
Another graduate is in his 30s, who scored well in the DSE is a piano tuner, LAI Chun-kit. He ended up scoring 18 marks, which was more than he expected. He would have fulfilled his long-time dream of completing an undergraduate degree. When he was studying Evening Secondary Course at HKCT Adult Education Centre, he chose economics as an elective subject, which made him determined to continue his studies in economics.
In line with the school's expectations, this year's cohort of students in our Evening Secondary Course generally achieved good results. HKCT fully understands that the resources of evening secondary schools are not as good as traditional day-time schools. But in fact, many students have great potential but are unable to complete their studies for various reasons. In addition, most of the students enrolled in evening secondary schools have put down their school bags for many years, and many of the basic knowledge they learned in junior secondary school is already very vague in their minds. Thus, the school makes full use of the resources provided by the Education Bureau (EDB) in recent years to organise extra tutorial classes for students in English, Mathematics and various elective subjects during weekends and public holidays. Plus, to enhance students' abilities and lay a solid foundation for them by increasing the learning hours and practising former years' DSE.
LIU Chun-kit scored 27 marks in this year's HKDSE exam.
Evening Secondary Courses students are waiting to receive their results.
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