The rapid development of information technology has brought us great convenience, but it has also brought new risks and threats. In order to address the threat of cyberattacks, the annual "National Cyber Offensive and Defensive Exercise" for government departments and large enterprises in mainland China is conducted. Recently, Hong Kong has actively learned from relevant experiences and "Cyber Offensive and Defensive Training" was organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO). It aimed to enhance participants' understanding and abilities in network attacks and defense, preparing them for network protection in the future.
HKCT Institute of Higher Education and Integrity Tech jointly organised a 7-day "Cyber Offensive and Defensive Training" from Feb 28 to March 8, providing training for 40 participants from over 10 government departments. The trainer, Mr LI Jia Bao, was a certified cybersecurity evaluation trainer with ample experience in the delivery of similar training programmes. His taking part in national and provincial level Offensive and Defensive Exercises in the past contributed to the practicality of the training and covered topics such as how loopholes can be prevented and utilised, log analysis, attack inspection, abnormal traffic analysis and blue team counter strategies, etc. Positive feedback from participants has been collected on the training, venue, facilities and supportive services.