BEng (Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Reg. No. 251350
BEng (Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering* (Registration Number: 251350),This 18-month part-time top-up bachelor degree programme is awarded by University of Sunderland and it provides the academic pathway for higher diploma holders in relevant disciplines to obtain higher level of qualification.
This programme is awarded by University of Sunderland and provides the academic pathway for higher diploma holders in disciplines relevant to electronic and electrical engineering to obtain higher level of qualification.
September intake is open for application now !   
Professional Qualification

This programme is conferred by the University of Sunderland, UK and has been accredited by: 

  • The Society of Operations Engineers (SOE), UK; 
  • The Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC),UK; 
  • The Hong Kong Institution of Incorporated Engineers (HKIIE). 

Graduates who fulfil the specified education academic and adequate working experience requirements are eligible to apply for: 

  • Member of SOE, UK; 
  • Member of InstMC,UK; and
  • Engineering Council EC (UK) registration at Incorporated Engineer (IEng) level.

The requirements of Grade C Electrical Work include:

A degree in electrical engineering in a recognized university or an institution of tertiary education or an equivalent qualification and

  1. has at least six years of post-graduate practical experience in electrical engineering including at least one year of practical experience in electrical work, or
  2. completed at least two years of post-graduate training in electrical engineering recognized by the Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services and has at least two years of subsequent practical experience in electrical work.


This 18-month part-time top-up bachelor degree programme provides the academic pathway for higher diploma holders in relevant disciplines to obtain higher level of qualification. 
Programme Features
  • Articulation Pathway: Students who have completed this programme and fulfilled designated requirements will be eligible to apply for the MSc Advanced Engineering Management*(Reg No.: 252929)
  • Intensive Programme Structure: Intensive and focused curriculum from Electrical Power to System Design, ensures comprehensive learning which allows students to balance work and study commitments
  • Globalization Vision: Opportunities to interact and collaborate with students and professionals from the UK, fostering global perspectives and cross-cultural understanding
  • Accreditation: Accredited by the Society of Operations Engineers and Institute of Measurement and Control on behalf of the Engineering Council as meeting the requirements for Further Learning for registration as an Incorporated Engineer. To hold accredited qualifications for IEng registration candidates must also hold an accredited Foundation degree or HND


Students are required to complete 5 modules in 4 semesters: 

  • Electrical Power 
  • Professional Engineering Management Techniques 
  • Manufacturing Systems Design 
  • Electronic Systems Design
  • Project 

Mode of Learning 
A full set of module materials is provided by the University of Sunderland, UK. Each module includes 45 face-to-face contact hours with local lecturers on weekday evenings and Saturdays. 
Modules are assessed in a combination of assignments, examinations and projects. 
+ Course content is subject to review and changes without prior notice. 

Mode of Study

Part Time

Teaching Mode

Face to face

Commencement of Study

Every September, January 

Entry Year

Year 3


18 Months

Entry Requirements
  • Higher Diploma in a relevant discipline (e.g. Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, etc.) from a recognized institution; OR
  • Associate Degree in a relevant discipline, which will be assessed individually


English language proficiency requirement:

  • IELTS 6.0 / TOEFL 550 / GCSE OL English grade C or equivalent; OR
  • Others – previous post-secondary qualification where the medium of instruction is English.

Mr K W Chan


我是亞偉,是University of Sunderland電機電子工程(榮譽)工學士學位課程的畢業生之一。我很高興能在這兒分享我在港專的學習經歷。從2018年9月開始,我在港專修讀 「電機電子高級文憑課程」,期後在2020年升讀 「電機電子工程(榮譽)工學士學位課程」,並好榮幸能夠以一級榮譽順利畢業。

由2018年到現在, 短短四年瞬間即逝。雖然工程科目內容相對濃縮,但好高興一切學習進度順暢,同學們都覺得好充實。教師有豐富的實戰經驗,對教學充滿熱誠。大家上堂有問題便會發問,老師亦樂於幫助。特別是Ir Chan 在任教不同科目上都令我獲益良多,希望藉此感謝。行政人員樂於聆聽學生需要,適時跟進同學之要求。即使期間面對一年多的嚴峻疫情,網上課堂和考核安排亦十分順利。


日間要工作和工餘時要進修,只要懷著輕鬆的心情,抱著認真學習的態度。加上同學之間無私的幫助,便可以順利渡過。上課時有問題時, 便把握機會發問;下課了,做網上資料搜集,與同學多討論,便可溫故知新。




C T Lo 


Institute of Measurement and Control

Certificate of Excellence

各位大家好,我是2022年的BEng(Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering畢業生,大家可以叫我Henry。好高興能夠順利畢業,並且好榮幸能夠獲得Institute of Measurement and Control 頒發的  Certificate of Excellence 這個獎項。藉著這次機會多謝 Institute of Measurement and Control以及HKCT推薦我獲得這個獎項。





H M Yeung 

BEng(Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Institute of Measurement and Control

Certificate of Excellence

It was an awesome journey at HKCT and a great honor to be rated as a “Certificate of Excellence” issued by “Institute of Measurement and Control” in 2022. This is not only the academy’s affirmation of my personal effort, but also an encouragement for me to continuity study in the future.

Studying the Electronic and Electrical Engineering at HKCT made me a more competitive and valuable practitioner in the profession. Joining HKCT and “Institute of Measurement and Control” is one of the paths to professionalism, and it is also suitable for practitioner.

I would like to share this time to tell you that the success or failure of doing things does not lie in the difficulty of things, but in your devotion and persistence to the matter. As the saying goes: "No pain, no gain", success is not accidental, it must go through one's own efforts and dedication.

Total $92,800 (in 4 installments)

Administration Fee: HK$1,720 (Upon 1st instalment)

Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme

HKCT Alumni Fee Reduction*

  • Applicants who have graduated from the Centre of International Education of HKCT (CIE) and have successfully completed a one-year or longer programme within the past 3 academic years, and who have successfully enrolled in a higher-level programme provided by CIE are eligible for this benefit.
  • 3% of the total tuition fee reduction for the higher-level programme will be deducted from the final instalment of the tuition payment.

HKCT Early Bird Discount*

  • Applicants who have completed the application procedure for September intake on or before 31 July 2025 are eligible to benefit from HK$2,000 tuition fee reduction that will be deducted from the final instalment of the tuition payment. 

*Remark: Applicants are eligible for either one of HKCT Alumni Fee Reduction or Early Bird Discount. In the event of any dispute, the decision of HKCT shall be final.

Tel: (852) 2276 8514 / (852) 2926 1222


It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead.
This programme is operated by Hong Kong College of Technology International Limited.
This programme is awarded by University of Sunderland, UK.
Tuition fees and subsidies are to be reviewed and adjusted annually on various factors.