Programme Features
Teaching Facilities
Engineering & Construction Laboratory
The Engineering & Construction Laboratory is available for engineering and construction students to conduct a variety of experiments and tests. It provides equipment for material testing, structural analysis, energy efficiency evaluation, and more. Students can explore new construction design methods and concepts using different materials and technologies, and evaluate the feasibility and performance.
This 16-month part-time programme is made up of six modules with a total of 120 credits as listed below.
Semester One
Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
Structural Engineering
Semester Two
Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
Geotechnical Engineering B
Semester Three
Hydraulics and Water Engineering
Major Project
Semester Four
Hydraulics and Water Engineering
Major Project
This programme is assessed by a mixture of coursework, essays, reports, project work and examination.
Programme content is subject to review and changes without prior notice.
Part Time
Face to face
Every September
(大型工程接連展開 港專土木工程課程全方位培育人才 滿足業界需求, by HK01)
(建造業在職進修之選:港專土木工程理學士課程助你把握事業機遇, by HK01)
(中五生蛻變成土木工程師 一條龍在職升學 擴闊職涯發展, by JobsDB)
Total $84,800 (in 4 installments)
Administration Fee: HK$1,720 (Upon 1st instalment)
Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme
HKCT Alumni Fee Reduction*
HKCT Early Bird Discount*
*Remark: Applicants are eligible for either one of HKCT Alumni Fee Reduction or Early Bird Discount. In the event of any dispute, the decision of HKCT shall be final.
Tel: (852) 2276 8514 / (852) 2926 1222